Sunday, June 9, 2019

Re-Visioning Ministry: Breathe, Wind and Fire!

Re-visioning ministry — that was the title of our Beltane retreat this year. What a fantastic weekend it has been. This morning the community received a new novice, two people were ordained to the priesthood and one to the diaconate. For each of them it is a new step in their life and ministry. Others at the retreat shared about the way their personal ministry has been re-visioned as their journeys have twisted and turned with each new stage of life.

Today it is Pentecost Sunday — the time when the church celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit. A very important day in the church’s calendar. Surely, for those early disciples, this was the ultimate re-visioning of ministry. They had been followers of Jesus, going where Jesus chose and doing what Jesus suggested, now they were thrust into a new phase of ministry. The time for grief and retrospection had past. The time for moving forward and stepping out in new directions had arrived.

Scripture gives us two accounts of the giving of the Holy Spirit— both are full of wonder. They are surrounded by mystery, in many ways they are unfathomable. A mystery that cannot really be defined in only one word. It was breath, it was wind, it was fire. Pulsating with life. So vibrant that lives were changed and events, previously unimagined, were experienced.

One account of the giving of the Spirit is in the Gospel of John (20:18-21). Imagine the scene. The disciples were sad and scared. The text reveals that they were behind locked doors because of their fear that they too would be captured and, I suppose, crucified. Then amazingly Jesus came and stood among them. What a mystery! Not only was he there but he spoke to them, “Peace be with you.” Imagine being so scared that even the room had to be locked and the first thing given was a blessing of peace. It was exactly what they needed. Then Jesus breathed into them and uttered a second phrase — “Receive the Holy Spirit.” And something happened, something changed. The disciples were no longer huddled scared in a room, they went out on the lake fishing.

The other account is in the book of Acts (2:1-4). Those verses were the lectionary passage for today. Again, I can only imagine the fear and sadness as the story tells us they were all together. Suddenly something happened. Here too something was seen and felt. It was described as a violent wind and tongues of fire. Again, the story of the giving of the Spirit is full of mystery. It feels like the author of Acts was trying to find words to describe an experience that was really beyond the limits of human language.

Whichever way the Pentecost experience is described, it caused a huge change. People who were scared and sad were suddenly re-vitalised. What a re-visioning of ministry! I wonder if any of those people who walked with Jesus would ever have thought where they would end up. What a roller-coaster ride they had been on. Now the disciples were ready to begin the new phase of their ministry. They were passionate about their calling. They could bring about change. The disciples went out ready to fulfil the ministry they were called too.

All this weekend we have talked about re-visioning ministry. I find the ideas contained in these two accounts helpful. They were key as the disciples prepared for their life’s work.  Perhaps they are important to consider every time ministry is revisioned. 

The quietness of peace — an inner state which is reflected for others to see in the outer being. 

The vibrance of experience — the breath, the wind, the fire which keeps the life and vitality in ministry.

The commitment to the work of one’s calling — keeping going, following a calling is not always easy. 

Blessings this Pentecost as ministry is re-visioned and new steps of the journey are begun.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Noticing Gender Bias.

Last week Andy and I attended the Adoption and Foster Family Coalition, New York (AFFCNY) conference. We had the privilege of presenting two seventy-five minute workshops that we entitled Minimizing Harm in Transitions. The conference was excellent and we had the opportunity to attend several other workshops throughout the three days.

I attended one led by Judge Karen Peters and Kristen Anne Conklin Esq. It was a brilliant and informative session. They talked about the NYS Permanent Judicial Commission on Justice for Childrenof which Judge Peters is the chair and Kristen Conklin is the Executive Director. It is a fantastic initiative (see

One of the objectives they talked about is “Girls Justice.” This much-needed initiative speaks to the increased number of girls in the justice system and their needs. Of course, much more complex than my one sentence summary. Their research also reflects the gender bias that still exists.

So, with those thoughts buzzing around my head I read the lectionary for today (Sunday). One of the readings is Acts 16:16-34. As I read it I couldn’t help but notice the same gender bias and lack of compassion for the girl in the tale.

The text is a story about an incident during Paul and Silas’ travels. They were journeying in Philippi. Briefly, a slave girl followed them shouting comments to them. Ultimately, they quieted her by casting a demon out of her. An action which resulted in Paul and Silas being arrested and gaoled. During the night an earthquake broke open the prison walls. They didn’t escape and the jailor was so thankful he became a follower of God and was baptized. A many faceted tale!

The gender bias was glaringly apparent as I read this story. What a difference in the treatment of the slave girl and the jailor. Of course, there may be a social class bias too but for today I’ll remain with the gender bias.

The slave girl was doing her job of divining (awful as it may have been). Her shouted out words annoyed Paul and Silas. The passage does not tell that they looked at her with compassion or that they felt sorry for her predicament thus wanting to help her. No, their motivation was that they were annoyed, and, most probably, irritated by her. So, they used their power to stop her. 

Paul and Silas had deprived her of her livelihood yet offered nothing in exchange. The passage adds that her owner became angry which could not have been good for her. This poor, unnamed woman went from a really bad situation into an even worse one. As I read the story I can only conclude that Paul and Silas did not see this slave girl as a person, merely an irritation to be dealt with.

This is in stark contrast to the story of the jailor. Paul and Silas did not fare well after their treatment of the slave girl due to the anger of her owners. They were arrested, beaten, put in innermost cells and shackled in the stocks. Later that night, an earthquake opened the doors and released the shackles. The jailor was so upset he was going to commit suicide presumably because he would incur the wrath of his supervisors for not doing his job. Paul and Silas called to the jailor not to do so as they had not escaped. 

What a contrast! The slave girl was left to the anger of her owners. The jailor was saved from the anger of his superiors. This time Paul and Silas did have compassion for the outcome. 

The story continues. The act of compassion from Paul and Silas caused the jailor to embrace a belief in God. The girl was sadly not afforded that opportunity. 

So, I ask myself, “In the eyes of Paul and Silas was the life of a male jailor worth more than that of a female slave?”

Sadly, my conclusion must be “yes”.

I don’t highlight this gender bias because I am surprised by it — actually I expected it. 

I highlighted it because it still exists today. Unfortunately, I don’t have to look too hard to find this gender bias. The conference session I attended focused on just one aspect of this gender bias, but it is everywhere.

The important questions to ask myself—
“What can I do to stand for gender injustice?”
“How can I speak up when I become aware of such a situation?”
“How can I be an advocate for those involved?”