Now, don’t get me wrong, I do not underestimate the importance of winter — a time of hiddenness and preparation, of unseen growth, a womb time. But now, it is time for life to start to burst forth, a time of hope and promise. The shoots are pushing through the soil, the trees are starting to bud and the glimmer of a green canopy can be seen around the deciduous ones.
Earlier this morning Andy and I were treated to a dance by the Turkey Vultures. It is a sight that each year fills us with wonder. They overnight in our very tall pine trees and then they spend perhaps half an hour swirling and dancing overhead obviously catching the wind currents. The movement of the birds reflect joy. They are magnificent creatures. It is always a privilege to watch them.
I think that sense of hope and promise that spring brings to Upstate New York would have been present with the disciples in the story told in the lectionary today (John 20:19-31). The text contains a two-fold tale. The first is of the disciples gathering in fear behind locked doors when Jesus appears to them, gives them the gift of the Holy Spirit and the blessing of peace.
So, although I love the story and humanness of Thomas, my musing today will return to the other disciples. As a lingering thought this week, I want to consider all that happened in that room where the disciples were hiding in fear behind closed doors. The text contains the Johannine account of the giving of the Holy Spirit, which is a quieter, gentler version of the event than the one told in Luke/Acts and I like that. No tongues of fire or sound like a mighty rushing wind are seen and heard. Instead, Jesus simply breathed on them and gave a blessing of peace. And they were changed.
I think most people can identify with that — something happens, a significant life event, or a realization of something deep within oneself and it changes everything. Nothing will ever be the same again. It is not just an outward change but a deep inner change — and hopefully one for good! The experience may lead to an instant change or may be the catalyst that begins the work to be done with a determination for change to happen.
The change for the disciples was momentous. They were behind closed doors afraid of the same fate befalling them. All it took was one breathe, and the fear left them or started to leave them. One of the other readings in the lectionary today (Acts 2:27-32) is the story of the disciples before the high priest being reprimanded for speaking and teaching in the name of Jesus. Their fearless response is that they are obeying God rather than the human authority (29). A profound change had happened, a wonderful example of non-violent disobedience, and all because they were breathed on and received a blessing of peace.