Deuteronomy 30:15-20
Psalm 119:1-8
1 Cor. 3:1-9
Matt. 5:21-37
Some challenging verses today.
When I first read them I thought how depressing! On the first reading they all seem to be so negative, so full of judgment and jealousy and a hell of fire.
Yet they also speak of choice. Deuteronomy urges us to “choose life”. Two small words yet they jump out of the text, “choose life!”
Two questions immediately came to mind.
1. How do we choose life in our contemporary society?
2. What sort of life do we choose?
1. How do we choose life in our contemporary society?
In some ways contemporary society is obsessed with life and avoidance of death. Look at the number of tests doctors want you to have, even when you are well!
However, I think the writer of Deuteronomy had so much more in mind than simply prolonging physical life. Life is defined as loving God, obeying God and holding fast to God. I think life is to be lived in the fullness of God’s presence. Choosing life is for now. Every moment being seen as a gift not to be wasted.
2. What sort of life do we choose?
These verses also made me think about the twelfth understanding as this week we are considering what that means to each of us. So I want to read these passages in that light. It is somewhat simplistic as each verse could be studied in depth. However for today I want to measure the passages against the opening phrase “we are called towards a generous, self-giving lifestyle.” Life is to be lived in the service of others, nothing is to be held close or hoarded.
If we live that way it takes care of a lot of the problems that are brought to our attention in the epistle and gospel. What are these problems and what are the answers?
Jealousy and quarreling about which leader they support. . . live a generous, self-giving lifestyle, recognize everyone’s gift and contribution.
Murder and anger . . . live a generous, self-giving lifestyle, be quick to be first to reconcile.
Adultery and lust . . . live a generous, self-giving lifestyle, receive everyone as a wonderful person created in God’s image not an object to be lusted after.
Blessings Jane